Dr. Freels recounts in Touching Tomorrow, The Story of Hephzibah Children’s Home, “My personal chapter in this chronicle began in the fall of 1993. I stood on the edge of the timbered 180-acre land to which Hephzibah Children’s Home purposed to relocate. The site was perfect. The plans were exciting. The cost was awesome. My personal sense of inadequacy was overwhelming. The assignment to lead in this massive project was frightening. I knew God had called me to this ministry and surely He would see me through. Yet, humanly, there was the temptation to recoil. ‘The task is too big for me.’ But the Lord…
I have been reminded of Peter stepping out of the boat on the water. The miracle didn’t start while he was in the boat. It seemed I was in a boat with Peter. I stepped out of the boat…and the miracle began to happen. Almost immediately, God began a process of bringing the right person, at the exact time of need, with the precise skills to resolve a specific problem.” (Metz, p. 133-134)
After countless miracles and the efforts of over 2000 volunteer workers, the relocation of Hephzibah Children’s Home finalized in July of 1997. By the following year the debt was paid!
But the Lord was my support. He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me. Psalm 18:18b-19 (Metz, p. 140-142)