

Find out how CAFO is partnering with Retirement Reformation to engage more adults of retirement age in the fight for vulnerable children and see what that has to do with Hephzibah62:4.

Wrap-Around Grandparents

Retirement Reformation is a trusted organization that seeks to engage the 48 million Christ-followers of retirement age in a life full of purpose and meaning, service, ministry, and discipleship. Each person in the retirement generation is uniquely talented and special, and Retirement Reformation can help you discover and live out God’s call for this stage of your life. 

An initiative particularly close to our hearts at Hephzibah62:4 is Legacy of Love: The Wrap-Around Grandparents Initiative. Imagine a world where every foster child has not only a loving home but also an extended support system that provides additional love, stability, and wisdom. Become a part of a movement that empowers older adults to step into a transformative role, becoming an integral part of a foster family’s journey. By becoming a wrap-around grandparent, you’re not just filling a gap – you’re changing lives and leaving a legacy of love.

Watch the video to find out how Legacy of Love works.

Are you ready to help? Contact us at


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Learn more about Retirement Reformation and discover the hope and the future that God has for you in your retirement season here.

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