Sanctity of Human Life

Life is a gift of God. It is sacred. Christians are compared to light and as such are expected to have a pervading influence for good in society. Also, Christians are to exert a salting impact on our world. By word of mouth and by godly living, Christians should strongly influence sanctity-of-life issues.

– The Wesleyan Church


Millions of innocent lives are lost annually through abortion. When lives are saved from abortion, children may still be born into vulnerable situations. Christ’s love and example should compel us, as Christians, to expand our approaches to protect and preserve the Sanctity of Human Life through the lens of holistic discipleship.​

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday U.S. President Ronald Reagan issued a presidential proclamation on January 13, 1984, designating Sunday, January 22, 1984, the anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. Churches have since recognized the third Sunday in January as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. On this day, Christians celebrate God’s gift of life and commit to protecting life at every stage.

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Canada: Many Canadian churches also hold a special recognition Sunday, although dates tend to vary.


Sanctity of Human Life 2024 Toolkit: Click here to access a variety of resources from Care Net, to help you plan your special recognition.


Hope Crossing Community Church, Carson City, NV

Sanctity of Life Sunday and related initiatives, including Foster Care and Adoption

Hope Crossing Church uses Sanctity of Human Life Sunday as an opportunity to create awareness of the issues surrounding abortion, and to share hope and how we can touch hearts, save lives and create a culture in our churches and communities for the pro-abundant life movement. Pastor Nick Emery, a bi-vocational Wesleyan pastor who also serves as the Executive Director of Life Choices, a Christian crisis pregnancy center says, “This requires the local church to move behind debates, sound bites and rhetoric. It requires the local church to be unashamed of the Gospel of Christ and the holiness of life. Doing so, while offering hope and healing in Christ to those who are struggling with an unwanted pregnancy or are post-abortive, by ensuring all is done and taught with mercy and truth at the foundation.



Equipping and mobilizing local Wesleyan churches to transform the lives of vulnerable children

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