Board members pictured, front row: Angel Metzger, Rev. Kim Gladden, Jodi Lewis (director), Rev. Darrell Williams. Back row: Janelle Vernon, Dr. David Babb, Arlynn Ellis, Dr. Rev. Anita Eastlack (board chair).
August 2019
Dear Hephzibah Friend,
Thank you for the ways you have supported the work of Hephzibah Ministries through the years. I would like to update you on the many changes that have taken place at Hephzibah Ministries over the recent months. The Hephzibah Children’s Home property was purchased by the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia in March of this year. Love will continue to be found on this special property in Macon as the Rescue Mission expands its ministry to battered women and children.
I am sorry for the loss of Hephzibah as it was for so many years. Although I was not a part of the difficult decision to close Hephzibah Children’s Home and sell the property, I understand that it became necessary to retain the assets from the Hephzibah property and enable the ministry to continue. I don’t know of anyone who would have chosen that outcome, but it was the harsh reality for the leaders of that time who cared deeply about the ministry of Hephzibah and had invested as you had. Others accepted the invitation to enter the messiness of that situation, choosing to trust God and allow Him to use them to lead through the transition and revisioning of Hephzibah, even as their hearts were grieving the loss as well.
I was honored to join the Hephzibah revisioning team in January of 2018 because of my passion and experience in leading a ministry to orphans and vulnerable children through my local Wesleyan church. Although I started with limited knowledge of Hephzibah and its history and knowing nobody else on the team personally, I soon learned of the depth of love these faithful servants have for Hephzibah’s ministry and their deep concern and desire to steward the legacy and mission of Hephzibah well in this new season. One of the reasons I was drawn to pursue the role of the director is because I have observed my colleagues on the Hephzibah team exhibiting the highest degree of integrity over and over. I can assure you that the revisioning and transition process has been bathed in prayer, and countless challenging situations have been approached with grace, humility, and a generous spirit.
As with any difficult situation in life, there is cause for reflection. Only God is perfect and unchanging. I don’t fully know why God allowed the situation to unfold as it did, but I do know this: That God is clearly leading Hephzibah62:4 into a bright new future! He has given us a vision for a new ministry model that has the potential to transform the lives of vulnerable children not just in Macon, Georgia but across North America by equipping and mobilizing local Wesleyan churches to invest in hands-on work in their communities!
As we work toward a full launch of our new model, here are some of the exciting ways we’ve already been working to equip and mobilize:
Opportunity for you and your church to partner with Hephzibah62:4 in a new location! The Church Partnership Grant Program is currently a pilot initiative aimed at equipping and mobilizing local Wesleyan churches located in under-resourced areas of North America. Mosaic Midtown Church, located in inner-city Detroit, has been chosen as the pilot recipient of a one-time Hephzibah62:4 grant. Hephzibah62:4 will commit one year to seek and facilitate secondary support church partnerships to provide financial, development, and short-term on-site work team support, in order to assist Mosaic in building strong and sustainable ministries to vulnerable children. Contact us to explore this opportunity!
Hephzibah62:4 Adoption Fund: Three Wesleyan families have already been awarded grants to help make adoption affordable and provide a child in need with a loving, Christian family! Please spread the word in your Wesleyan churches, and have interested families contact us for more information.
Orphan and Vulnerable Child Essentials Online Course: Six Wesleyan University students have been equipped with a scholarship to take this unique course, providing a great resume-building opportunity and insights to apply to their current and future ministries, careers, and families. Stay tuned for future opportunities.
I am excited to announce that June 20, 2019, marked another big step in the transition process! The new Hephzibah62:4 Board met all together for the first time for our orientation. We feel extremely blessed that God has brought together this gifted group of people for His purpose at this important time in the history of Hephzibah62:4.
Stay tuned for updates on grant processes and equipping opportunities being developed. With your continued financial support, we will be able to maximize the grants and resources available to expand these efforts! Please contact us for more information on how we can help you and your church get personally involved.
We are standing on the shoulders of many who have faithfully served Hephzibah in the past and appreciate your prayers and support as we continue to do the work through our new mission, to equip and mobilize local Wesleyan churches to transform the lives of vulnerable children. We are partners in this work!
God’s richest blessings to you and yours,
Jodi Lewis, Hephzibah62:4 Director