February 2022 Newsletter

February 2022 Newsletter

Where in the world is Hephzibah62:4? Next month will mark three years since I was hired to steward the new mission and vision for Hephzibah62:4, to equip and mobilize local Wesleyan churches to transform the lives of vulnerable children across the U.S. and Canada. It...
February 2022 Newsletter

December 2021 Newsletter

Does Hephzibah62:4 need my year-end donation?  During the Christmas season, it is usual for good-hearted Christians to reflect on our own blessings, turn our hearts afresh to those who are vulnerable and alone, and seek to help. Understandably, questions have been...
February 2022 Newsletter

November 2021 Newsletter

Where will vulnerable children be cared for now?  That important question has been asked since it was announced that the former Hephzibah property would be sold and the ministry re-visioned. We believe important questions deserve honest answers. As we enter this...
February 2022 Newsletter

September 2021 Newsletter

Join us at CAFO2021 More than ever the Church needs to stand up in new ways for the most vulnerable among us. Following a year defined by separation and distance, we are looking forward to being with fellow Wesleyans and many others face-to-face at the Christian...