Now, more than ever, the Church needs to stand up in new ways for the most vulnerable among us.
Hephzibah62:4 wants to make it possible for as many Wesleyans as possible to attend the vulnerable child ministry event of the year, CAFO2022! This year’s event will be held in Atlanta, GA, and we are encouraging Wesleyan leaders in close proximity to attend by offering a limited number of registration reimbursements (up to $250/person).
How do I qualify?
It’s simple!
- Do you have a passion for serving vulnerable children through adoption, foster care, special needs ministry, trauma-informed care, sanctity of human life efforts, anti-trafficking efforts, or family preservation efforts, focused in the U.S. or Canada?
- Are you a Wesleyan church staff member or lay leader within driving distance of Atlanta?
- Are you able to commit to attending the full event, September 28-30, 2022 (including the Hephzibah62:4 Connection Dinner on September 28)?
If you answered “yes” to all of the above, follow these steps:
- Click here to apply for your registration reimbursement. A limited number of reimbursements are available on a first-come, first-served basis (up to two per church).
- Wait for notification that your application has been approved.
- Once approved, register for CAFO2022 and forward your e-mail confirmation/receipt to
- Attend CAFO2022 and the Hephzibah62:4 Connection Dinner.
- Complete the online Hephizbah62:4 evaluation, to be provided.
- A check for your event registration reimbursement, up to $250, will be mailed to the address provided.
If you answered “no” to one or more of the above, but would still like to attend CAFO2022, contact us at
If you attend one of our Hephzibah62:4 Partner Churches, contact us to explore additional benefits.
What is CAFO2022?
The Christian Alliance For Orphans’ (CAFO) annual Summit is an annual gathering place for church leaders, foster/adoptive parents, non-profits leaders, child welfare professionals and global leaders to be inspired, encouraged and gain insight into best practices in caring for vulnerable children. Compelling keynote speakers, musicians, church leaders, and staff from hundreds of partner churches and child welfare organizations will send you back to your ministry setting inspired, encouraged, connected, and equipped. Learn more here.
What else should I know?
We will be hosting our annual on-site Hephzibah62:4 Connection Dinner on Wednesday, September 28 during the dinner break, for all Wesleyan attendees. This FREE buffet dinner event provides a unique opportunity for us to gather and celebrate what God is doing through our Hephzibah62:4 Partner Churches and beyond, all across the U.S. and Canada. Sign up here!

See what other Wesleyans have to say about CAFO:
I remember thinking when we decided to attend CAFO, “This would be a great opportunity to learn how to care for vulnerable children as it relates to the ministry my wife feels called to lead.” I also remember thinking, “This would be a great place to meet new people, and make connections that would benefit said ministry.” What happened, as it always does, God laughed at my plans then showed me his plan. We learned some things, yes! We made some connections, yes! But more than that, God completely broke my heart for the orphans of our world.
I believe if we love what God loves, and want what he wants, then attending a CAFO conference will help us do this, and do it well.
– Pastor Michael, Mosaic Midtown Church
Hephzibah62:4 Church Partner and CAFO2021 Attendee
CAFO2021 was a powerful time of reflection for myself and the Yellow Door House. I was reminded of the reasons why we enter into relationships with families and children in order to love like Jesus.
It was so impactful to be around like-minded individuals who are doing the work of serving vulnerable children, getting to hear their unique ideas and what has worked in their context.
– Pastor Nikki, Yellow Door House
Hephzibah62:4 Church Partner and CAFO2021 Attendee
I have been serving in Child Welfare for over twenty years, yet while attending the CAFO conference God still provided fresh insight for my heart and mind regarding those of us that He has inspired to respond to what is described in Psalm 10:14:
‘But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted. You consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless.’
– Pastor Phyllis, CAFO Summit Attendee