Conference Reimbursements

We’re excited to have you join us at DATC or CAFO!

Expense Reimbursement Guidelines and Process


IMPORTANT: Have you been pre-approved for a conference grant? Partner churches may qualify for conference grants for either DATC or CAFO, for up to two approved attendees per partnership year. Please ensure your e-mail registration confirmation/s have been forwarded to and you have received confirmation of your grant pre-approval/s from the Hephzibah62:4 team.

Before you proceed, please carefully read our guidelines for travel and expense reimbursement below or click here to download.

By submitting your expenses to Hephzibah62:4 for reimbursement you agree to abide by these guidelines.

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1. Save all the receipts from expenses you plan to submit. All qualifying trip expenses should be submitted together after attendance at the event, unless other arrangements are made with Hephzibah62:4 staff.

2. Fill out the Expense Report Template below. Click here to download.

3. Complete the online event evaluation if provided and submit the completed Expense Report along with receipts to within one month of event.

4. Your submission will be reviewed and you should receive email confirmation within 7-10 business days.

5. Once confirmed we will request a check be mailed to you. Please be sure the address on your Expense Report Template is your accurate preferred mailing address.


Expense Report Template