Merry Christmas from Hephzibah62:4 December 2022 Newsletter
"He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds." Psalm 147:3 Our founder, Bettie Tyler, surely bandaged a variety of wounds on behalf of the children in her care between 1900 and 1922. She then handed the keys of Hephzibah Orphanage to the Wesleyans, who have...
Stand Sunday miracles multiply through Vermont church
"Events in the news remind me that Satan's weapons make a lot of noise, but it's deceptive. Love is much better armored." JODI LEWIS | October 17, 2022 | WesLife Access original article here. A handful of years ago, Tiffany and her husband, Brent, faced what seemed...
September 2022 Newsletter
Celebrating 100 years of Wesleyan leadership! In 1922 our organization's founder, Bettie Tyler, entrusted the leadership of the beloved ministry to which she had dedicated 22 years of her life, to the Wesleyans. Today, a full century later, we celebrate that...
More than words, part 2
Hephzibah62:4 and The Wesleyan Church's other subsidiary organizations demonstrate Wesleyans' commitment to action JERAH WINN | August 1, 2022 | WesLife Access original article here. In the first part of the “More than words” series, we explored Rev. Zach...
June 2022 Newsletter
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10 Soon after the news of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade reversal erupted last Friday, I received this text from a dear friend and Wesleyan pastor: "With the decision that went forth today, I'm...
Can we talk for a minute?
When I was 17, I had a burning desire to be a missionary. In fact, as a High School Senior I spent several months living and volunteering at a home for girls at risk in Osorno, Chile. I fell in love with the 40-some girls that I came to know and learned invaluable...
February 2022 Newsletter
Where in the world is Hephzibah62:4? Next month will mark three years since I was hired to steward the new mission and vision for Hephzibah62:4, to equip and mobilize local Wesleyan churches to transform the lives of vulnerable children across the U.S. and Canada. It...
Sanctity of human life efforts must include support for struggling parents
A woman who recently considered abortion invites us to be present and listen to her story. JODI LEWIS | JANUARY 10, 2022 | WesLife Access original article here. While awaiting her release from jail on December 27, 2021, and anticipating giving birth a month later,...
December 2021 Newsletter
Does Hephzibah62:4 need my year-end donation? During the Christmas season, it is usual for good-hearted Christians to reflect on our own blessings, turn our hearts afresh to those who are vulnerable and alone, and seek to help. Understandably, questions have been...
November 2021 Newsletter
Where will vulnerable children be cared for now? That important question has been asked since it was announced that the former Hephzibah property would be sold and the ministry re-visioned. We believe important questions deserve honest answers. As we enter this...
Orphan Sunday participation affirms couple’s call to adoption
Paul and Alli Nix are following the path of early Christians in caring for the most vulnerable. JODI LEWIS | OCTOBER 18, 2021 | WesLife Access original article here. With a beautiful four-week-old baby boy beside him in his wife’s arms, Paul Nix reflects on how their...
September 2021 Newsletter
Join us at CAFO2021 More than ever the Church needs to stand up in new ways for the most vulnerable among us. Following a year defined by separation and distance, we are looking forward to being with fellow Wesleyans and many others face-to-face at the Christian...
July 2021 Newsletter
Is any of the following true of you? You prayed for and donated sacrificially to Hephzibah Children’s Home (HCH) You were part of the miracle of the development of HCH’s Zebulon Rd. property You cherish the time you worked or served as a volunteer for, or lived at...
The greatest miracle
Sometimes, God chooses to bring about things in our lives that are beyond a doubt, “a miraculous intervention of divine favor.” LARRY FREELS | JULY 6, 2021 | WesLife Access the original article here. There is a sense, in which, if one is a follower of Jesus Christ,...
May 2021 Newsletter
And the winners are... I don't know about you, but the increasingly warm sunshine, the singing of birds, and the green growth all around are giving me renewed energy, joy, and strength. I've always loved the changing of seasons and all it represents. But this year and...
March 2021 Newsletter
I have a confession to make! Anniversaries invite reflection, and this month I am reflecting on the two years since God surprised me with the exciting opportunity to help lead Hephzibah62:4 into a new season of exponential impact. But I need to make a confession: I...
Don’t Read This While Eating
Biblical wound care enters the spiritual battle that accompanies the processes of healing, balancing harmful responses with truth and unconditional love. JODI LEWIS | FEBRUARY 25, 2021 | WesLife Access original article here. He heals those who have broken hearts. He...
CAFO2021: September 15-17 in Cincinnati, Ohio
JOIN US IN CINCINNATI, OHIO, September 15-17, 2021. More than ever the Church needs to stand up in new ways for the most vulnerable among us. Following a year defined by separation and distance, we are preparing to gather together for CAFO2021 to experience with...